Honey Bunch (2025), Dirs. Dusty Mancinelli & Madeleine Sims-Fewer
Dead Lover (2025), Dir. Grace Glowicki
Darkest Miriam (2024), Dir. Naomi Jaye
Ariel (2022), Dir. Alison Murray
The Young Arsonists (2022), Dir. Sheila Pye
Die Like A Dog (2022), Dir. Jeff Pavlopoulos
The Boathouse (2021), Dir. Hannah Cheeseman
Every Day’s Like This (2020), Dir. Lev Lewis
That Moment When (2020), Dir. Rita Ferrando
Jump, Darling (2020), Dir. Phil Connell
White Lie (2019), Dirs. Calvin Thomas & Yonah Lewis
Spice It Up (2018), Dirs. Calvin Thomas, Lev Lewis & Yonah Lewis
The Intestine (2016), Dir. Lev Lewis
Diamond Day (2015), Dir. Sofia Banzhaf
The Oxbow Cure (2013), Dirs. Calvin Thomas & Yonah Lewis